Posts Tagged ‘black’


New shoes new shoes!

January 8, 2012


New shitkickers by Elisanero. To aid my surviving any impending apocalypse. Awesome.

Unrelated: a small child I know recently asked, “Are you a witch? You only wear scary black clothing.”


Love these shoes. I can’t find them online, but you can find other (equally badass) shoes by the brand at Oak, LuisaViaRoma and Saks.


Inspiration 1.14.11

January 14, 2011

Yohji Yamamoto catalogue cover, 1986.



Coveting 10.13.10

October 13, 2010

Dear Gareth Pugh,

If you could just messenger me over the following looks from your new collection, that would be great. You’ve even sold me on the colour white.



(Seriously, I would sell my baby brother for this jacket.  Sorry Charles. I love you and all, but I’m a sucker for asymmetrical closures and interesting peplums.)

Sleek, black, vaguely armour-like. WANT.

Disco cyborg. Hate the leggings, covet the dress.

This is so cool and android-at-a-Ren-faire-y. I want to twirl around in it.

I think my other brother might have to be exchanged for this jacket. Sorry, Max. Your charms are no match for metallic drapey awesomeness.

So, Gareth, what do you think? Do we have a deal? My undying love and two brothers in exchange for your awesome clothing?

What do you mean, it doesn’t sound like you’re getting much out of it?

So cruel of you, Gareth. I thought you were better than that.

[via where you will also find awesome menswear looks which I ignored in my selfish focus on my own imaginary wardrobe.]

And inspiration to revisit the collection thanks to Gene!



New shoes

September 19, 2010

Sexy, sexy, sexy badass Prima wedges from Surface to Air. I got them yesterday, and immediately started planning out outfits around them. They’re infinitely wearable, both under pants and on their own with skirts. They’ve got a hint of the winkle picker about the front, but with a satisfyingly high heel and those big thick straps to give them just the right touch of sexy super-spy. I can’t wait to bring them out to play.


Coveting 3.15.10

March 15, 2010

I would like to change into this outfit for the after-party to my coronation as Empress of the Galaxy, please. I think the stars-and-frothiness theme is right on point for the occasion.

Marchesa F/W 2010.



Stuff of Nightmares

November 6, 2009


So, this is apparently the week when I steal inspiration from my friends.  I got an email this morning pointing me towards Juxtapoz Magazine’s blog post about Takato Yamamoto’s amazing artwork, and ever since I’ve been obsessed, doing nothing but look through page after page of his paintings. This was rendered slightly sketchy, due to the fact that I was at work and a great deal of his pieces are inspired by Japanese rope bondage and S&M. I kept accidentally clicking on the bad ones just as my supervisor was walking by. Sigh.

Disregard of being thought the office perv aside, what attracts me so much to Yamamoto’s paintings is the dreamlike combination of elements to be found in them. As I said, a lot of them draw inspiration from S&M (not many of the ones I’ve put up here, as I didn’t have time to study those as much to see if I liked them.) The influence of that and other erotica is definitely felt, but I’m much more interested in the images from folklore and horror conventions. The drawing style also reads to me as quintessentially Japanese, the tight lines and small details simultaneously evoking things as wide-ranging as horror manga, tattoo art and Hokusai. I love the use of anatomy, the organic details, the mysterious looming presence of the moon. I also love the intensity and simplicity of his palette (which I just wrote as palate– though with drawings like these one might wonder if he can stomach things, or if he is plagued by the monsters he creates.)

I’ve put up a lot of pictures, but it was very hard to edit it down to even this. I strongly urge you to go look at his works elsewhere and see what other things he has to offer. Everything is basically along these lines, but the variations can be rather glorious.






Horror take on Little Red Riding Hood. I love it, queasily. Look at the blood spatters on the post and her leg. I’m so curious, but I’m not even sure I want to know what happened there.






He makes it weirdly beautiful, right?







The blog post also features a pretty interesting interview with him, so I urge you to check it out.

{via 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}


October 8, 2009


In the running for best movie poster ever.



Killer Queen

October 5, 2009


So, Omahyra Mota is pretty much in first place on my list of Girls I Would Go Gay For Without An Instant of Hesitation, and I think this editorial shows why. I love the androgynous toughness of her features, and the elegance of her limbs. She’s perfect for giving these looks the rough edge they need.




(Also anyone who can rock glacier goggles this well is a force to be reckoned with.)




Photographed by Phillip Mueller for Indie Magazine, Fall 2008.




October 2, 2009


One of my favourite looks from AW09/10. Insane asylum-chic, with a little pinch of Renaissance Faire/fairy thrown in. Oh, Ann, I love you so.



Ramble ramble rumble rumba

September 26, 2009

Tragedy! All I want in life right this instant is this gorgeous Mirit Weinstock dress, and Pixie Market is callously, horridly, unthinkably sold out of it!


It would be the perfect addition to my dream wardrobe of all drapey black, all the time, punctuated with flashes of colour. (My coworker remarked to me yesterday that my complete and utter lack of colour that day was a little unnerving– rather like having a random goth lurking about in the dark recesses of our law firm. In my defense, I was wearing an enormity of gold jewelry, so I found additional colour unnecessary.)

Just look at what you can do with it!


And the back!


Seriously, I would think nothing of making this dress into my uniform. It’s so gorgeous and open to play with volume and textures. I’ve been looking for a piece like this. Why must it be out of stock?!

Any other suggestions? Remember, I am possessed of both boobs and ass, so can’t go too avant garde-y in shape, much as I would dream of doing it. Ahhhhhhh why is this dress cruelly kept from me?!?!?

In other news, I am strongly considering these shoes:


As I can’t afford Chloe, these might have to do.  They’re andro-sexy-tough incarnate. Just deciding how I feel about gold studs. I’m not huge on mixing metals (it makes me twitch and feel sloppy), so the studs on the shoes would pretty much determine the accessories I could wear with them. But I do love gold and black way more than gold and silver. Annnnd… the picker of the winklerpicker might not be pointed enough for my liking, but overall… they’re pretty great. Hmm. Ponderingponderingpondering. Ponderously.