Archive for the ‘advertising’ Category


Presenting: Obywatel Kane

January 11, 2010

I’ve been thinking about movie poster design lately, and kept finding my mind being brought back to this Polish poster for Citizen Kane. It’s not the my usual style, but I think it’s so much unexpected fun. I’d expect this to be something of a spoof piece, designed recently, rather than an actual one-sheet for the film. Polish film posters always have such charming twists to them, and a great style (not to mention the personal nerdy pleasureI get out of sounding out the Polish words and trying to decipher them… ahhh the joy of having been a Russian major). I’ll try to feature more of them soon.



November 4, 2009



That’s it. This woman is going to be my inspiration today, red chiffon wrap, bored look and all. I do think her look is just what I need to add some zing to my day. What is a “Snow-Ball of Fire”, anyway? I’m intrigued but slightly terrified.



Cantilevered booties!

October 4, 2009

I am seriously digging the demonstration graphic here on this ad for Innovativa brand booty-lifting jeans. It’s like magic! A super-impressive bum in an instant! Everything hoiked up into place, resulting in pert computer-generated goodness. Faux science at its best.


I also really enjoy the “Como en TV” note. Conjures up images of rows of pert buttocks lined up in some warehouse next to Foreman grills, Yogitoes and Snuggies. Adds that extra note of class, donchathink?



Give ‘Til it Hurts

September 24, 2009


Now, I have to present this with the disclaimer that I never have seen a Saw movie, that I hate torture-porn, that the very thought of movies like that make me want to curl up into a ball and rock back and forth like a gibbering fool. I like horror and all, but I’m more a fan of the psychological mindfuck stuff, rather than knives and gore and… ugh. Shudder shudder shudder.  Despite all that, this ad for Saw VI (sorry… I refuse to link to it…. yuck.) and their “Give ‘Til it Hurts” blood drive, benefiting the American Red Cross, is completely eye-catching. The corset is by The Blonds, and it is so outré and  fantastical that I can’t stop looking at it. Such a fanciful idea, surreal-looking until you really focus in on it and see what it is made of, contrasting perfectly against her skin. This image is so simultaneously gorgeous and full of horror that I’m just in awe.

blonds corset